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Political regime change: Beyond the busy election calendar, structural changes in politics and policy are underway across advanced economies – with material economic consequences
Financing the capex boom: The ability to finance the great reindustrialisation will be a key driver of national economic performance: only some economies are positioned to benefit
Election risk ahead: Recent market volatility after elections illustrates the economic importance of political institutions; with implications for the US Presidential election
Trade as geopolitics: Trade flows capture changes in the geopolitical context: global economic fragmentation continues to sharpen, driven by geopolitical rivalry
The great reindustrialisation: Investment is strengthening across advanced economies for economic & geopolitical reasons, with effects from commodity prices to macro policy & productivity growth
Currency wars?: The strong USD is generating economic pressures around the world, with the potential for disruptive responses – reinforced by geopolitical rivalry
Is this time different?: A roaring 20s will require a much stronger economic recovery from Covid than from the global financial crisis. What are the chances?
Global briefing: Higher for longer/ Fault lines/ Excess capacity/ ASEAN/ Global economic fragmentation : Insights on global economic and geopolitical developments
Escalating US fiscal risks: The UK 'Truss shock' provides insight into the growing risks of the unsustainable US fiscal path causing a global financial shock
Geopolitical shocks and shifts: Beyond managing exposures to geopolitical shocks, firms, investors, and governments need to position for structural geopolitical shifts
Global briefing: Nowhere to hide/ Japan normalisation/ US debt & politics/ Gold & regime change/ Dutch exit: Insights on global economic and geopolitical developments
China shakes the world: The spillovers from China’s growth model will create stresses across the global economy, with economic and geopolitical implications
Global briefing: Antipodean inflation/ Fracturing global institutions/Trump update/ Dr Copper/ Emerging markets: Insights on global economic and geopolitical developments
Productivity, inflation, & geopolitics: Structural drivers of higher inflation will be offset by strengthening productivity growth, but with significant variation across economies
Global briefing: Chinese deflation/ Ukraine/ India rising/ Growth strengthening/ Secular stagnation: Insights on global economic and geopolitical developments
Entering a post-Covid world: Four years on from the arrival of the pandemic, 2024 may be the first post-Covid year in which economies are operating in a (new) normal environment
Global briefing: Taiwan status quo/ Inflation & rates/ Rewiring global flows/ China’s headwinds/ Trump & Europe: Insights on five global developments that matter this week.