Very robust wage gains. Yes +7.2% is sub inflation of 10%, but still means more absolute £s of disposable income in people's pockets. Coupled with record high employment, key to why UK (sick man of Europe) consumption is confounding expectations & surprising on upside.
UK wage inflation (qrtr to Apr '23):
Regular pay up 7.2% y-o-y (6.7% last time); down 1.3% real (using CPIH inflation, so understated)
Pay w bonuses up 6.5% y-o-y (was 5.8%); down 2.0% real
Pub sector 5.6% (5.6%); private sector 7.6% (7.0%)
Context: Apr CPI 8.7%, RPIX 10.4%
June 13, 2023, 11:45 a.m.
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